I wholeheartedly support it! You absolutely SHOULD. My piece was more of a reaction to a "this is the only thing you should do" claims, because sometimes "things" are fine. You can't live as a constant nomad and have, for example, a woodworking shop or an electronic music producer. This was more about me realizing there are perks to both and that either one is okay. Try them all out if you want to and can find a way. I'm getting older and tired tho, and I am finding that I want to nest now - all those farming and construction jobs had an effect on me lol. For my next experience I want own a home, adopt a bunch of shelter pit bulls, grow some of my own food, have chickens, have a place to set up my music studio...
Experiences are amazing. Yes, by all means PLEASE seek them out. They build you. I am just saying things aren't black or white like so many people claim they are, especially when we are younger. You can change into someone you never expected as you age.
If you are willing can you tell me how you found your way here? Nothing I have written on Medium has gotten this much traffic and I am curious as to where it is coming from.