Unless you send them to Head Start and depending on the area, Head Start can be amazing. In small, rural towns public ed is often still wonderful because people appreciate their jobs and Head Start is sometimes the only option for preschool.
Since moving to civilization (I left rural California hippie town for Massachusetts) I have noticed that the village indeed no longer exists for the typical middle class white American.
Poor people still know how to live, though. We never stopped living in the village becsuse it was the only way we have had to survive.
Even though being at Smith is supposed to offer me "social mobility" I'm honestly not so sure I want it. The middle class lives a sad and lonely life these days. I look forward to returning to the village where kids just run in feral gangs outdoors, we grow most of our own food and although we are "poor" our lives are rich.
Alas, my kid loves this middle class life. So I am stuck in Massachusetts and in this rat race mess until she graduate from high school. After that my choices are mine again tho. She either goes to college or goes where I go after that.